Friday Sep 29, 2017
The Wretched Hive: September 30, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Episode #46: We are less than eighty days from discovering the identity of The Last Jedi and the guys are here to keep you updated on all the Ep. VIII news you can handle! Plus we review Science and Star Wars, debate the merits of the return of Palpatine (happening in the Lego world for sure), and geek out over next week’s release of Del Rey’s A Certain Point of View. Be prepared for Millennial Falcon madness on this week’s show! You won’t regret listening…from a certain point of view.
Friday Sep 15, 2017
The Wretched Hive: September 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Episode #45: JJ Abrams will direct Episode IX, and the guys are here to get you caught up on that and all the relevant news from the Star Wars galaxy! This week we cover why Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy are NOT in trouble (haters gonna hate), the NASA-Lucasfilm partnership, Star Wars products hitting the market (holochess!), Disney’s new streaming service, and whether Han Solo will return in future SW movies (he won’t…probably). PLUS Niko teaches everyone what BTW means. I always thought it meant Monday, as in Before Tuesday and Wednesday. I stand corrected.
Friday Sep 01, 2017
The Wretched Hive Mini-Cast #8: Force Friday 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Mini Cast #8: #ForceFriday is rocking and The Hive is here to cover it for you in this mini-ep! Scott and Steve crash Timeless Pints Brewing Company and share Steve's big Porg win, Target's awesome Force Friday spread, and Kohl's so-so showing. The beer is flowing and the guys are rambling! Actually...that's pretty typical. Humm.
Friday Sep 01, 2017
The Wretched Hive: September 1, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Episode #44: It's Force Friday II and The Hive is here to help you figure out where to spend your hard-earned republic credits! Plus we've got tons of Star Wars news, facts, and rumors on Episode VIII and IX, Han Solo, and the long rumored and nearly confirmed (but not quite) Kenobi film. We also hit on the Game of Thrones S7 finale, including our most contentious Star Wars Choices yet, draw comparisons between SW and the Marvel Universe, and talk Porgs. Because Porgs are freaking cute, and possibly annoying, but there is one thing they aren’t – going away.
Saturday Aug 19, 2017
The Wretched Hive: August 18, 2017
Saturday Aug 19, 2017
Saturday Aug 19, 2017
Episode #43: There’s just two weeks until Force Friday and the boys are fired up and ready with all the Star Wars news you can handle including updates from the VR experience at Disney Parks, Princess Leia's academic achievements, Episode VIII (or is it IX?) The Last Jedi, the untitled Han Solo film, and more. Dave unleashes on Niko, Steve has trouble with Greedo, and as always, math is hard.
Friday Aug 04, 2017
The Wretched Hive: August 4, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Episode #42: Will Smith thinks Star Wars is better than sex, and most of The Hive disagree in this episode of TWHP! Plus we’ve got updates on Comic Con, a missed story from D23, TLJ, Ep. IX, and Star Wars in scientific journals! Plus all the regular nonsense you’ve come to expect. And more. Actually, this episode has slightly more ore nonsense than usual – bonus nonsense! We are the Force wielders of nonsense. Hey, there’s a nice ring to that…
Friday Jul 21, 2017
The Wretched Hive: July 21, 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Episode #41: Prepare for epic Star Wars geekyness as we are joined by guest host Jackie Michele! Plus we hang on The Couch with filmmaker Anthony Pietromonaco, director of Dark Legacy: A Star Wars story. We’ll get you caught up on news from D23, Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge, Star Wars Episode VIII, the Han Solo film, and more.
Friday Jul 07, 2017
The Wretched Hive: July 7, 2017
Friday Jul 07, 2017
Friday Jul 07, 2017
Episode #40: The Hive celebrates our 40th Anniversary (same as Star Wars, only different) in style with in-depth analysis of the Ron Howard hiring, Lucasfilm's latest SW effort FORCES OF DESTINY, plus updates on Ep. IX, Apple's use of VR (and Steve's ridiculous Apple obsession), former President Barack Obama's Jedi mind tricks, and all the mind-numbing geek references and innuendos we can pack into roughly an hour and ten minutes. So, actually, it’s a fairly typical show.
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
The Wretched Hive: June 23, 2017
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
Episode #39: Big HAN SOLO news this week as Directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are replaced by Ron Howard and we’re here to provide in-depth analysis and plenty of opinions in this episode of TWHP. Plus we share an "exclusive" conversation between George Lucas and Kathleen Kennedy, run down an auction of amazing screen-used props from Star Wars and other film franchises, in addition to the relevant news from the past two weeks. Be sure to listen to the bonus content (last 35 minutes or so) for our analysis of the L. Ron Howard hiring, incorrect use of the term milk toast, Foo Fighters vs. Nirvana (yes, we went there) and a whole lot more.
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
The Wretched Hive: June 9, 2017
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Episode #38: This week we welcome LA rockers The Hellflowers who join us on the couch for an in-depth interview about their love of Star Wars, experiences working at DreamWorks and ILM (including their work on Rogue One!), and their latest EP release, Vacation. We also cover the big Star Wars stories of the week including Bob Iger going fingers up to President Trump, theft at Rancho Obi-Wan, and very special editions of Star Wars Choices and the Very Lonely Luke Tweet of the Week. Hold onto them hats and glasses, ‘cause this here’s the wildest ride in the wilderness…or, galaxy. Whatever.

The Wretched Hive Podcast
The show was born in the summer of 2015 when Greg, Steve, Niko, Dave, and their wives and girlfriends met at Barley Forge Brewery in Costa Mesa, California (Scott was absent that day, tending to the physical effects of consuming one too many Zombies the evening prior). The usual conversation, debate, and low-brow comedy centering around Star Wars ensued. Steve had the idea of starting a podcast, and much like the throbbing hangover in Scott's cranium, the idea hung on for dear life in his mind, refusing to leave. The five recorded their first episode under the original show title, "The Second Order", on January 20, 2016.