Saturday Jul 07, 2018
The Wretched Hive: July 6, 2018
Saturday Jul 07, 2018
Saturday Jul 07, 2018
Episode #65: It’s power trio time as Dave, Greg, and Steve blast out of Mos Eisley and into your ear holes to talk STAR WARS including the latest with the FOX-DISNEY merger, Disney’s direct-to-consumer possibilities, and why our favorite franchise is NOT the most lucrative of them all (you’ll never guess what is…and no, it’s not Marvel). We give props to our sister podcast SKYWALKING THROUGH NEVERLAND, offer up a big thanks to Marilou and Mark Hamill, and announce the winner of our first HIVE FIVE contest.
Friday Jun 22, 2018
The Wretched Hive: June 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Episode #64: Rumors are flying faster than a X-wing on refined coaxium and this week we separate the facts from fiction regarding a supposed hiatus for A STAR WARS STORY films, Disney’s acquisition of 21stCentury Fox, and what Scott has been watching recently via SCOTT WATCH 2018. PLUS we need your input on our next HIVE FIVE so call the hotline at (562) 455-4483 and if we use your idea you win a complete set of RANCHO OBI WAN trading cards signed by the one and only STEVE SANWEET!
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Interview: Marc Morita from Rancho Obi-Wan 6.15.18
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Steve is joined by Rancho Obi Wan’s MARC MORITA for a wide-ranging conversation about his experiences growing up in Marin County as a Star Wars fan to becoming a docent at ROW and working with the one and only Steve Sansweet. Marc shares his views on recent Star Wars films including The Last Jedi and Solo, the state of SW fandom, his healthy obsession with SW Legos, and much more.
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
LIVE at Barley Forge 6.10.18
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Dave and Steve met up at Barley Forge Brewery and conversation got deeper than expected with Dave sharing his theory on Episode IX and Steve sharing his ideas on why many OT fans can’t accept the premise of The Last Jedi.
Friday Jun 08, 2018
The Wretched Hive: June 8, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Episode #63: It’s been an interesting couple of weeks for Lucasfilm and The House of Mouse as SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY’s “underperformance” at the box office lit the internet aflame and provided a box from which the CHICKEN LITTLES of the galaxy stood and blew their trumpets. In this episode we break through the clutter and help you understand why Star Wars is not in trouble (or is it?), showcase the official debut of SCOTT WATCH 2018, and determine our top five lightsaber battles in the HIVE FIVE.
Sunday May 27, 2018
5/27/18 Solo First Viewing
Sunday May 27, 2018
Sunday May 27, 2018
Mini Ep. #16: Solo: A Star Wars Story landed in theaters this weekend! Dave and Steve share their initial reaction and review of the film.
Friday May 25, 2018
The Wretched Hive: May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Episode #62: SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY has hit the theaters and we celebrate with the first ever HIVE FIVE to determine the top five Han Solo moments of all time! Plus we catch up on SCOTT WATCH 2018 and his determination not to own THE LAST JEDI, we pine for an Obi Wan-centric film, and cover Comcast’s latest attempt to Force choke Disney’s purchase of Fox. Finally we get completely caught of guard by DAVID LEE ROTH’s attack and forget to wish a very happy 41stbirthday to A NEW HOPE. Happy birthday, you old fossil!
Friday May 11, 2018
The Wretched Hive: May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Episode #61: Between THE AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR taking the gauntlet to box office records and preparation for SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY reaching a fever pitch, The Hive hosted trivia night at TIMELESS PINTS in preparation for May The Fourth and we break it all down for you in this week’s show. Also this week the results are in for both StarWars.com’s and The Hive’s respective listener polls, DONALD GLOVER showed us The Falcon’s cape room, and Comcast is attempting to scrape together enough pocket change to block Disney’s acquisition of Fox. Only one question remains: Where’s Niko?
Friday Apr 27, 2018
The Wretched Hive: April 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Episode #60: Promotion for SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY is in full throttle as we near the global release of the latest Star Wars film and this week The Hive will get you caught up on everything Solo and Disney including their slate of Star Wars, Marvel, and other planned releases between now and 2020. PLUS Dave and Steve detail their epic Journey to Rancho Obi Wan with TWHP contributor Chris, including their museum tour and time with the one and only STEVE SANSWEET. This week you might want to buckle up, baby.
Friday Apr 13, 2018
The Wretched Hive: April 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Episode #59: The SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY trailer blasted out of Mos Eisley last week and we provide our analysis and commentary along with a Hutt-load of the usual nonsense you’ve come to expect from TWH. Special guest Brad Chowen from The Super, Fantastic, Terrific Podcast joins us to review the Solo trailer and provide his expectations for the next installment in the Star Wars franchise (actually I think he just wanted to meet the Porg). We’ll get you caught up on Episode IX news, debate the Meryl Streep as Leia rumor, and travel back in time to hear Mark Hamill sing on German television. Der unglückliche Schwarm liebt Deutschland!

The Wretched Hive Podcast
The show was born in the summer of 2015 when Greg, Steve, Niko, Dave, and their wives and girlfriends met at Barley Forge Brewery in Costa Mesa, California (Scott was absent that day, tending to the physical effects of consuming one too many Zombies the evening prior). The usual conversation, debate, and low-brow comedy centering around Star Wars ensued. Steve had the idea of starting a podcast, and much like the throbbing hangover in Scott's cranium, the idea hung on for dear life in his mind, refusing to leave. The five recorded their first episode under the original show title, "The Second Order", on January 20, 2016.