Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Review: The Mandalorian S2E1, "The Marshall"
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Episode #165: The Mandalorian Season 2 is here! This is the first of our weekly episodic reviews of Mando Season 2. Call and let us know what you thought of "The Marshall" at 562.455.4483.
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Politics, Baseball, and Mando Season 2
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Episode #164: The Mandalorian S2 is finally here but it’s chatter about the WORLD CHAMPION LOS ANGELES DODGERS and next week’s PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION that dominate this episode. As a special bonus we’ve included some STAR WARS TALK including updates on THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 2, Hasbro’s amazing Razor Crest, Kanye West on the Star Wars sequels, and a CHEWIE-LEIA Christmas tree ornament that will bring the warm fuzzies to your holiday season. Cheers!
Dodgers World Championship: begins approx. 9:15
The Hive gets political: begins at 31:00
Star Wars talk: begins at 1:08:20
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Cringe-worthy SW moments, EA's Squadrons, and the future of movie theaters
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Episode #163: THE MANDALORIAN Season 2 is a mere two weeks away and THE HIVE has the latest and greatest on all things Mando PLUS we wince at the Top 10 most cringe-worthy moments from the sequels, call EA as they double down on Star Wars in the wake of Squadrons, patiently allow Steve to whine that Rey should be a Kenobi while Scott complains more about THE LAST JEDI, fret about the future of movie theaters, and pine for the Han in carbonite WAFFLE MAKER.
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Mando, Lego, Hasbro, and Presidential Debates
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Episode #162: Although this week’s U.S. PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES were on the boys’ collective mind this week they found some room for great Star Wars talk including the latest rumors on The Mandalorian Season 2, Star Wars Legos and Hasbro’s Razor Crest, Disney+ Group Watch and the Obi Wan series, Nathalie Portman’s possible return, and how the Marvel Cinematic Universe will fare without actual cinemas. National treasure Mark Hamill once again scores the SWTOTW and Dave presents Scott with his very own Star Wars Choices.
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Steve Sansweet: The Interview
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Episode #161: The one and only STEVE SANSWEET joins Scott and Steve for an incredible conversation about his 15 years at Lucasfilm and his love of Star Wars collecting that led to RANCHO OBI WAN. Steve shares about his 26 years at the Wall Street Journal and “following his bliss” to work on Star Wars, writing 17 books on Star Wars and innumerable columns for Star Wars Insider and Bantha Tracks, selling Star Wars merch on QVC, helping launch Star Wars Celebration, his recognition from the Guinness Book of World Records, and so much more.
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
The Mandalorian, Mulan, and Johnny Lawrence walk into a bar...
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Episode #160: THE MANDALORIAN Season 2 is coming to Disney+ next month and we’ve got the details for you thanks to StarWars.com and EW. The boys talk at length about the tragic passing of Chadwick Boseman, Mulan on Disney+, Cobra Kai on Netflix, and offer up an interesting STAR WARS CHOICES. PLUS we've got yet another entry in the never-ending hilarious and entertaining saga that is the Tweet of the Week.
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
DC Fandome and Haylx: the Star Wars rock band you've never heard of
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Episode #159: The Hive is 3x3 this week as Scott, Greg, and Steve soldier on with Niko (toe injury) and Dave (hosting at True Detective Season 1 panel at McConaughey-Con) unavailable and we've got plenty to cover including the 80's Disney/Star Wars-inspired rock band HAYLX (pronounced Hay-licks), DC Fandome, and Kathleen Kennedy's comments on the future of Star Wars...PLUS the usual nonsense including a rather meta SW Tweet of the Week and rather stormy Scott's Cantina Corner.
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
A Traveler's Guide to...Star Wars film titles?
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Episode #158: Turns out the Star Wars film titles ARE ALL WRONG and we’re (a couple of weeks late with this story) here to rundown the madness for you along with a quick book review of Eloc Throno’s Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge: Traveler’s Guide to Battu, a look at Hasbro’s new Millennium Falcon, and our take on the stunning layoffs at DC Comics, along with another edition of Scott’s Cantina Corner and Dave’s first ever SW Tweet of the Week.
Friday Jul 31, 2020
The Mandalorian walks into Scott's Cantina Corner...
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Episode #157: THE MANDALORIAN’s fifteen Emmy Nominations is way more than THE WRETCHED HIVE PODCAST has ever received but nonetheless we are thrilled for Kennedy, Favreau, Filoni, and the gang over at Lucasfilm! Celebrate Mando’s success with us as we debut SCOTT’S CANTINA CORNER, share the highs and lows of COMICON @ HOME, and get nostalgic with Robert Zemeckis’ brilliant BACK TO THE FUTURE.
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
The Wretched Hive: July 17, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Episode #156: THE BAD BATCH is getting their own show on Disney+, Battu is getting its own traveler’s guide, and The Hive breaks them down for you with Scott and Steve manning the shop on a rare 2x2 full episode. Steve share a gift from a friend, Scott shares prequel-era collectables from Burger King, and both revel in the joy that is the STAR WARS TWEET OF THE WEEK.
Visit our new home on the web: www.wretchedhivepodcast.net!

The Wretched Hive Podcast
The show was born in the summer of 2015 when Greg, Steve, Niko, Dave, and their wives and girlfriends met at Barley Forge Brewery in Costa Mesa, California (Scott was absent that day, tending to the physical effects of consuming one too many Zombies the evening prior). The usual conversation, debate, and low-brow comedy centering around Star Wars ensued. Steve had the idea of starting a podcast, and much like the throbbing hangover in Scott's cranium, the idea hung on for dear life in his mind, refusing to leave. The five recorded their first episode under the original show title, "The Second Order", on January 20, 2016.