The Wretched Hive: Star Wars and Other Stuff
Friday Apr 05, 2019
The Wretched Hive: April 5, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Episode #84: GALAXY’S EDGE news is flowing like lava on Mustafar under a heat lamp in July and we’ve got it all for you and more including DISNEYLAND employee reactions to being selected for GE, the alcohol you can consume at GE, and the bathroom pass you will ABSOLUTELY need at GE. PLUS folks are already talking THE MANDALORIAN season 2, AVENGERS: END GAME passes THE FORCE AWAKENS for pre-sales, DC’s THE JOKER looks great, and GL visits the set of GAME OF THRONES. PLUS remembering Droids: The Animated Series, and yes Niko…it came from Lucasfilm.
Friday Mar 22, 2019
The Wretched Hive: March 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Episode #83: The DEATH STAR that is DISNEY+FOX is now fully operational, GALAXY’S EDGE requires reservations, ANAKIN speaks droid, and we cover all of it for you in the episode! Plus news about MARK HAMMIL’S personal Episode IX trailer, The Hive’s official reviews for CAPTAIN MARVEL, and an update on Marvel’s Shang-chi.
NEW! Stream the show and find all links and show notes for this and every episode at:
Friday Mar 08, 2019
The Wretched Hive: March 8, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Episode #82: CAPTAIN MARVEL hits theaters today, GALAXY’S EDGE is revealed (late breaking news: it opens on May 31st!), CELEBRATION CHICAGO has more Star Wars celebs than Tatooine has SANDPEOPLE, and we’ll fill you in on all of that and more in this episode of THE HIVE! We also cover ANTHONY DANIELS’ cryptic tweets, TOPHER GRACE’s amazing trailer, and another Star Wars auction that exceeded expectations. Attention TWEET OF THE WEEK fans: we’re sorry.
Friday Feb 22, 2019
The Wretched Hive: February 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Episode #81: Although we inch a bit closer to the release of STAR WARS EPISODE IX with every agonizing moment that passes (patience!) we’re still parsecs away from the BIG T’s – trailer, teaser, or title – but The Hive keeps rolling along with tons of news including BOB IGER’s comments from THE MOUSE’S most recent earnings call, a rundown of the Star Wars properties expected to land on Disney+, more rumors about EWAN reprising his role as OBI WAN, updates on FORCE FRIDAY and NEW YORK TOY FAIR, and more. There’s just too much show and not enough space to summarize it here! In fact, I’m about to run out of r
Friday Feb 08, 2019
The Wretched Hive: February 8, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Episode #80: As we sit and patiently tap tap tap our fingers on the Falcon’s dashboard while holding our collective breath and waiting for the STAR WARS EPISODE IX trailer to drop, there’s plenty more to talk about including JOHN FAVREAU and R5-D4, TAIKA WAIKIKI and THE MANDALORIAN, and reported "bloodshed" from the Fox-Disney merger. PLUS the Hive’s Top 10 Titles for Ep. IX. EPISODE IX: AN EVEN SLOWER SPEED CHASE has a certain ring to it…
Friday Jan 25, 2019
The Wretched Hive: January 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Episode #79: “Academy Award nominee SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY” sounds pretty nice and so does this week’s episode of THE HIVE as we talk Academy nods for BLACK PANTHER, SPIDERMAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE and AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR. We also cover planned Star Wars releases for 2019, more info on fan films and EPISODE IX, plus the “final” season of Game of Thrones, EA Games’ struggles, and the fact that YOUR SNOKE THEORY SUCKS.
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Interview: The John McCloy Band at Timeless Pints
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Mini Ep.#21: Friends, family, and special guests joined us for an incredible afternoon of music, beer, and fun at Timeless Pints Brewery on January 6th, 2019. Big thanks to all who came to play with us including John, Sammy, and Fred with The John McCloy Band; dear friends Chris, Scott V., Chet C., Brett, and Jason; Stacy and Rae at TP; and most of all thanks to the Wretched Wives, Lisa, Kara, Christine, Shana, and Karen, for putting up with our Star Wars obsession and the nonsense that surrounds us and penetrates us (that's what she said), and binds the show together. Happy new year!
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
The Wretched Hive: December 22, 2018
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Episode #77: The holidays are upon us and there is no better way to kick off your celebration than with C-3PO, South Park, and The Hive! We also celebrate THE LAST JEDI’s first birthday, review casting for THE MANDALORIAN, talk THE AVENGERS: END GAME trailer, and offer last-minute gift ideas for the Star Wars fan in your life. Have a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year from your friends at TWHP!
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
The Wretched Hive: December 7, 2018
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Episode #76: Celebration Chicago is just around the corner, a new Star Wars animated series is in the works, casting announcements for THE MANDALORIAN abound, and we’ve got you covered with great analysis and opinions on this episode of TWHP! We cover the new Captain Marvel trailer #2, delve deep into FANTASTIC FOUR, and wonder what the Walker parents were thinking when they named their poor kid Luke Sky. PLUS we launch an inquiry into the existence of another (video) podcast called THE WRETCHED HIVE and its host, ONLY ONE KENOBI.
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
The Wretched Hive: November 23, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Episode #75: Thanksgiving is here and there is a lot to be thankful for in the Star Wars universe including the live-action series in the works based on the adventures of CASIAN ANDOR, new music for GALAXY’S EDGE from the maestro himself JOHN WILLIAMS, and anniversary celebrations for the trailer for THE PHANTOM MENACE and the infamous Star Wars CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Lastly we honor the passing of two greats: Marvel’s real life superhero STAN LEE and screenwriter extraordinaire WILLIAM GOLDMAN.